Tuesday, January 26

Just another fish in the unemployed sea..

except that I am pretty fabulous..and these potential employers are going to find that out! :)

I would have never in my life imagined that after graduating from college I would have been where I am now-unemployed and being rejected day after day for jobs I know that I could do very well. No call backs, no interviews, not even a chance. I also never imagined that I would graduate smack dab in the middle of a really bad recession where the job market is the worst it has been in a long while. I guess I didn't sense the impending doom in the voice of our graduation speaker that day. I remember he talked about hard times in the job market but I didn't think that I applied to me.

I thought it would pretty much go down like this- I graduate from college. I take a little time off to travel. This would entail "finding myself", becoming more of a cultured individual, become free from the shackles of conventional university learning, and just altogether enjoy the merriment of frolicking around Europe as a young, ambitious 23 year old.

I would return from my great adventure relaxed and ready to have some structure again and perhaps a lot more broke than I was before I left. I would start sending my resume out and then the phone calls would come. They would call and request an interview with me and be very excited about what I could bring to the table. I would be overwhelmed at the job offers I received and I would go back and forth on who I would choose. I would eventually choose the one that suited me the most and could become the start to a successful career. It was a wonderful daydream.

But here I am. A year later--unemployed, jaded, feeling like a failure, ready to give up, and deflated to umpteenth power. I was ready to concede. I was. But I realized I have a lot more fight left in me. Thus sparked my mission to land myself a great job in 2010 and to record it as a way to keep myself accountable and to possibly give encouragement to others in the same situation.

What is your story?

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