Wednesday, February 3

Interview: Put Your Best Face Forward

In light of some exciting news from your favorite unemployed chick, I have decided to talk about interviews. The exciting news first: I got an interview for tomorrow for an internship! After a long time of not hearing back from anywhere that I sent my resume, (and yes I tried to get in contact with HR but some of these bigger corporations won't let you call in) it is really nice to get an interview! Wish me luck!!

Anyways, here are some helpful tips that I've learned through the years or picked up in my research.

Some things you should be doing before the interview:

1. Researching the company & the position as well as making yourself familiar with the industry if you are not already: Do not go in unprepared. Show that you have taken the time to learn about the company. Know their mission and vision, their target market, newsworthy items, CEO names, etc. See if anybody you know has any contacts with the company or organization.

2. Iron that outfit. Polish those shoes. Be neat and pressed. Have everything picked out beforehand so you aren't rushing around. Make sure you have a notebook & pen ready as well as a briefcase depending on the position. Also, print out a copy of your resume and a list of references just in case. Make sure you are showered and well groomed. Don't just look like you rolled out of bed.

3. Prep with some mock interview questions. You can search the internet for popular interview questions. Be prepared. Get your mind ready! Practice with friend or family member.

4. Prepare some intelligent & relevant questions. When the interviewer asks if you have any questions, pick 1 or 2 good ones that haven't been covered. Interviewers like when you ask questions because it shows interest. Avoid being to eager about pay, vacation, benefits, etc. Here are some good questions to get you thinking.

Things to be doing during the interview:

1. Be positive and self assured! Fake it even if you are nervous.

2. Be early! Don't be on time and don't be late! Be early.

3. Be polite to everyone in the office before your interview starts. Smile and make a good impression to all the people you might encounter before you meet with the interviewer. People talk after you leave. Trust me.

4. Have good manners. Sit up straight. Say "Thank You"(especially when you leave) and "Please". Do everything your momma taught you that you found irritating to be corrected on. No gum chewing! Use proper English!

5. Focus on the company and what you can do for them in the position. Yes, they do want to learn about you. However, it needs to be relevant to the position and what you can do for them with your skills, experience, education, etc.

After the Interview:

1. Send a thank you note or email. Again focus on the company and what you learned and not all about you.
2. Follow up. Follow up quickly if you think they are making the decision soon. Feel it out for when you should follow up. Don't call 5x a day to find out.


  1. Great tips! Wish I had an interview to practice it on! lol

  2. I'm glad you found them helpful! I hear ya, it was my first interview in MONTHS. Even if I don't get will honestly feel nice just to have had an interview. I mean, I hope I get the internship but at least there will still be a positive if I don't! Good luck with your search! What field are you in?
